Thursday, April 23, 2020

FAQ By Mr. Yusuf Mansoor Part - 1

Other most common irritants in this hobby I believe is the

1. out of the box no show or hard start of an instrument.

2. Flow issues over the time.

In most of the cases it is nothing more than a catch 22 situation where enthusiast attempts to go overboard to make their pens dance to their tune. We need to remember that a fountain pen is made up of several components. Majority of the time those components are in sync but sometimes not, in such cases patience is the key. We must not loose our control and try logically looking for those minor glitches which are not many I believe. Here are few tip...

1. New Pen no show:

1a. It's a good habit to rinse and wash any new instrument prior to inking for the first time.

1b. Prime nib unit several time by filling and emptying pen.

1c. If it's a CC filler then cleaning CC unit is also important.

1d. Look for:

a: tight tine,

b: Baby's bottom,

c: debris in the slit

d: misaligned nib/feed,

e: gap between nib and feed.

Note 1: surface tensions within the system is also a major cause of trouble which can b sorted out by simply washing instrument in mild soap water.

2.Preowned Pen:

Most likely issue comes from the ink or mis handling of the instrument.

2a. In case of mishandling all the above Point no.1 pointers are applicable.

2b. Please remember different inks behaves differently due to different physical attributes like saturation, wetness, lubricant, dye characteristic etc. Sometimes certain characteristic does not allow ink to flow properly in certain pens. In this case replacing ink is a practical option.

2c. Clogging is another major issue with the fountain pen, sometime due to poor or rotten inks and sometime due to poor pen Hygiene. In either case cleaning extensively is the best solution.

Please remember asking question and seeking help resolve majority of the issues therefore never hesitate to take opinion 
If you have any question then do let me know..

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FAQ By Mr. Yusuf Mansoor Part - 6

Q: How to increase wetness of these pens? A: Two basics considering nib is OK👇 1. Decrease the distance between nib and feed...